
83 lines
2.0 KiB
Executable File

# Deploy script
# Run with
# $ sudo ./
# and enter password
# Change up user and IP as appropriate
# for each site
# Add this for dry-run:
# --dry-run \
# time added for timing at the end. Check Real time
echo "rsycing the blog to remote"
echo "please enter remote alice password:"
time rsync \
--recursive \
--update \
--executability \
--times \
--compress \
--stats \
--rsh=ssh \
../seal-blog \
# Move the configuration script
# scp configuration.nix alice@
# Restart NixOS
# ssh -t alice@ sudo nixos-rebuild switch
# Kill the website
# ssh -t alice@ pkill site
# Build the site
# ssh -t alice@
echo -e "\n\nCopy files over finished!"
echo -e "\n\n\nAlice needs to do some steps"
echo "Enter her password so she can get to work:"
ssh -t alice@ "
alias echo='echo -e'
echo 'Now enter her password for sudo inside the ssh'
sudo echo 'echo ULTIMATE POWER'
echo '\nMake sure we know where we are'
echo '\ncd seal-blog'
cd seal-blog
echo 'copy the configuration over'
echo 'TODO: make this only if changed'
sudo mv configuration.nix /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
echo '\nRebuild NixOS'
echo 'TODO: make this only if changed'
echo sudo nixos-rebuild switch
echo '\npkill the site'
echo 'TODO: make this only if necessary'
echo pkill site
echo '\nBuild the site'
echo 'TODO: shouldnt need to build on deploy server'
echo ./
echo 'Start the site in the background using nohup'
echo 'TODO: make this only if necessary'
echo nohup 'site watch' >>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null &
echo site watch &
echo disown
echo '\n\nDeploy finished!\n\n'
# on alice
# ssh -t alice@
# in a week (August 21st)
# need to run `sudo certbot certonly`
# get the cert for the site, and set it in nginx
# nohup