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Interviewing.io questions, 2023-09-16

Bill Ewanick 2023-09-18 11:55:47 -04:00
parent 5faed85cf1
commit 0a942554b2
1 changed files with 49 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
interviewing.io question:
Given a list of whole positive numbers, how would you go about finding two numbers in that list that sum up to a given target number. Assume no duplicates in list.
wholePositiveNumbers :: Set Integer
wholePositiveNumbers = Set.fromAscList [1..1_000_000]
-- findTargetSumIn xs n =
-- (if abs (x-n) `member` xs
-- && abs (x-n) + x == n
-- then Just (abs (x-n), x)
-- else Nothing) : findTargetSumIn xs n
-- where
-- x =
ans lst sum = List.nubBy isMirror $ Maybe.catMaybes $ Set.elems $ Set.map (\x ->
let x' = abs (x-sum)
if x' `Set.member` lst
&& x' + x == sum
then Just (x',x)
else Nothing
) lst
isMirror (a,a') (b,b')
= a == b'
&& b == a'
example = Set.fromList [14,13,6,7,8,10,1,2]
example' = Set.fromList [14,13,6,7,8,10,1]
example'' = Set.fromList [1,14,13,3,6,7,2,8,10,4]
main = do
print "Quick 3 answers:"
print $ ans example 3
print $ ans example' 3
print $ ans example'' 5
print "Long answer"
print $ ans wholePositiveNumbers 3