#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (ps: with ps; [dhall neat-interpolation random])" #! nix-shell -i runghc {- Must be run in folder containing the source code -} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} -- enter in repl: -- :set -XOverloadedStrings import Basement.Block (create) import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, replicateM, unless, when) import Data.List (sort) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, addDays, diffDays, fromGregorian, toGregorian) import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (utctDay), getCurrentTime) import Dhall (FromDhall, Generic, auto, input) import NeatInterpolation (text) import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesFileExist, listDirectory) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import System.Random (Random, randomRIO) -- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/neat-interpolation- {- Gives a random number between from and to Uses unsafeIO to get the number out of IO It's safe because we're only shuffling -} randomNum :: System.Random.Random a => a -> a -> a randomNum from to = unsafePerformIO $ randomRIO (from, to) {- Given a list, returns a random element -} randomPull :: [a] -> a randomPull lst = lst !! r' where r' = randomNum 0 l l = length lst - 1 blogPost :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Day -> Text blogPost title see adj1 adj2 seal date = [text| --- title: $title --- $see this $adj1, $adj2 seal! A picture of a $adj1, $adj2 seal! <3 |] -- Returns a filePath, and a corresponding random blog post sealText :: Config -> Integer -> Day -> (FilePath, Text) sealText config n date = ( fileName', bp) where fileName' = show date <> "-" <> "seal-post-" <> show n <> ".markdown" date' = T.pack . show $ date title = T.pack $ "Seal Post Number " <> show n title' = T.replace " " "-" title bp = blogPost' (toGregorian date) blogPost' :: (Integer, Int, Int) -> Text blogPost' (_, 09, 26) = blogPost title "Birthdayingly gaze at" "spoiled" "older" "birthdaySeal.jpg" date blogPost' (_, 04, 01) = blogPost title "Foolishly look at" "beautiful" "supermodel, singing" "singerSeal.jpg" date blogPost' (_, _, _) = blogPost title (randomPull $ looks config) (randomPull $ adjectives1 config) (randomPull $ adjectives2 config) (randomPull $ unsafeListDirContents $ sealImagesPath config) date -- Generating all the previous blog posts -- Only need to do this once allDatesSince :: Day -> [Day] allDatesSince startDate = map (`addDays` startDate) [0..daysSinceStart] where daysSinceStart = diffDays today startDate {-# NOINLINE today #-} today = unsafePerformIO $ utctDay <$> getCurrentTime allBlogPosts :: Config -> [(FilePath, Text)] allBlogPosts config = map f zippedDates where f = uncurry $ sealText config zippedDates = zip [1..] (allDatesSince (startDate config)) writeToFile :: Config -> (FilePath, Text) -> IO() writeToFile config (fp, txt) = do -- fileExists <- doesFileExist fp' -- unless fileExists (write fp' txt) write fp' txt where write = TIO.writeFile fp' = postsOutputPath config <> "/" <> fp -- For all the blog posts -- Write them to file unsafeGenerateAllBlogs :: Config -> IO () unsafeGenerateAllBlogs config = forM_ (allBlogPosts config) (writeToFile config) main :: IO () main = do putStrLn "Starting blog post generation script" config <- input auto "./config.dhall" let postsOutputPath' = postsOutputPath config putStrLn "Validated config successfully" createDirectoryIfMissing True postsOutputPath' unsafeGenerateAllBlogs config putStrLn $ "Generated blog posts successfully to " <> postsOutputPath' prettyPrint :: Show a => [a] -> IO () prettyPrint = putStr . unlines . map show {- Config -} data Config = Config { adjectives1 :: [Text] , adjectives2 :: [Text] , looks :: [Text] , sealImagesPath :: FilePath , postsOutputPath :: FilePath , startDate :: Day } deriving (Generic, Show) instance FromDhall Config {- Utils -} unsafeListDirContents :: FilePath -> [Text] unsafeListDirContents = map T.pack . sort . unsafePerformIO . listDirectory