{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- enter in repl: -- :set -XOverloadedStrings import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO ) import System.Random ( randomRIO ) import System.Directory ( listDirectory ) import Control.Monad ( forM, forM_, replicateM ) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import Data.List import Data.Time.Calendar import Data.Time.Clock import NeatInterpolation -- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/neat-interpolation- {- Gives a random number between from and to Uses unsafeIO to get the number out of IO It's safe because we're only shuffling -} randomNum from to = unsafePerformIO $ randomRIO (from, to) {- Given a list, returns a random element -} randomPull lst = lst !! r' where r' = randomNum 0 l l = length lst - 1 blogPost :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Day -> Text blogPost title see adj1 adj2 seal date = [text| --- title: $title --- $see this $adj1, $adj2 seal! A picture of a $adj1, $adj2 seal! <3 |] -- Returns a filePath, and a corresponding random blog post sealText :: Integer -> Day -> (FilePath, Text) sealText n date = ( fileName', blogPost') where fileName' = show date ++ "-" ++ "seal-post-" ++ show n ++ ".markdown" date' = T.pack . show $ date title = T.pack $ "Seal Post Number " ++ show n title' = T.replace " " "-" title blogPost' = blogPost title (randomPull looks) (randomPull adjectives) (randomPull adjectives') (randomPull sealImages) date -- Generating all the previous blog posts -- Only need to do this once -- Another function takes care of creating today's blog post startDate = fromGregorian 1998 06 11 -- startDate = fromGregorian 2020 07 31 {-# NOINLINE today #-} today = unsafePerformIO $ utctDay <$> getCurrentTime daysSinceStart = diffDays today startDate allDatesSinceStart = map (`addDays` startDate) [1..daysSinceStart] allBlogPosts = map f zipped where f = uncurry sealText zipped = zip [1..] allDatesSinceStart writeToFile (fp, txt) = write fp' txt where write = TIO.writeFile fp' = "posts/" ++ fp -- For all the blog posts -- Write them to file unsafeGenerateAllBlogs = forM_ allBlogPosts writeToFile prettyPrint :: Show a => [a] -> IO () prettyPrint = putStr . unlines . map show {- Adjectives -} adjectives :: [Text] adjectives = [ "absorbing" , "adorable" , "alluring" , "ambrosial" , "amiable" , "appealing" , "attractive" , "beautiful" , "bewitching" , "captivating" , "charismatic" , "charming" , "choice" , "cute" , "dainty" , "darling" , "dear" , "delectable" , "delicate" , "delicious" , "delightful" , "desirable" , "dishy" , "dreamy" , "electrifying" , "elegant" , "enamoring" , "engaging" , "engrossing" , "enthralling" , "entrancing" , "eye-catching" , "fascinating" , "fetching" , "glamorous" , "graceful" , "heavenly" , "infatuating" , "inviting" , "irresistible" , "likable" , "lovable" , "lovely" , "magnetizing" , "nice" , "pleasant" , "precious" , "pretty" , "provocative" , "rapturous" , "ravishing" , "seducing" , "seductive" , "suave" , "sweet" , "tantalizing" , "tempting" , "titillating" , "winning" , "winsome" ] adjectives' :: [Text] adjectives' = [ "ample" , "bearish" , "big" , "butterball" , "buxom" , "chunky" , "fatty" , "flabby" , "fleshy" , "full-figured" , "hefty" , "husky" , "pleasingly plump" , "plump" , "plumpish" , "podgy" , "portly" , "pudgy" , "roly-poly" , "rotund" , "round" , "stout" , "tubby" , "zaftig" ] looks :: [Text] looks = [ "Look at" , "Gaze upon" , "Check out" , "Witness!" , "Look upon and tremble at" , "Lookie here at" , "Whoa! See" ] sealImages :: [Text] sealImages = map T.pack . sort . unsafePerformIO $ listDirectory "images/seals"