{ pkgs, ... }: let PROJECT_ROOT = "/workspace/deployed-nixos-server-and-apps/nixos-apps/fancyTypist.dev"; HOST = "localhost"; PORT = 12513; in { services.caddy = { enable = true; virtualHosts = { "fancytypist.com" = { serverAliases = [ "www.fancytypist.com" ]; extraConfig = '' respond "Hello, world! fancytypist.com" ''; }; "fancytypist.ca" = { serverAliases = [ "www.fancytypist.ca" ]; extraConfig = '' respond "Hello, world! fancytypist.ca" ''; }; "osds.fancytypist.ca" = { extraConfig = '' respond "Welcome to the Ottawa Swing Dance Society" ''; }; "helpme.fancytypist.ca" = { extraConfig = '' respond "Welcome to only other subdomain...helpme!" ''; }; "fancytypist.dev" = { serverAliases = [ "www.fancytypist.dev" ]; extraConfig = '' reverse_proxy ${HOST}:${toString PORT} ''; }; }; }; systemd.services = { fancyTypistDotDev-site = { enable = true; description = "The Haskell Servant executable server that hosts my FancyTypist.dev site."; path = with pkgs; [ nix git ]; script = '' cd ${PROJECT_ROOT} nix run .#fancyTypistDotDev-site ''; }; osdsFancyTypistSubdomain-site = { enable = true; description = "Emanote site running the OSDS content."; path = with pkgs; [ nix git ]; script = '' cd ${PROJECT_ROOT} nix run .#osdsFancyTypistSubdomain-site ''; }; }; }